Hmmm, efter al denne julemad kunne det måske være rart med lidt kritisk debat. 3dfx er blevet opkøbt af Nvidia, og dermed er en masse 3dfx-kunder forceret til fremtidigt at købe Nvidia eller ATI grafikkort (andre producenter kan næppe præstere noget interessant). Eftersom Nvidia er førende vedr. bedste og hurtigste 3D-grafikkort (GeForce2 Ultra), så kunne det være interessant, hvorvidt GeForce2 egentlig er så godt, som diverse benchmarks og reviews påstår. I forummet på (nyt 3dfx-site oprettet af ex-3dfx-medarbejdere) fandt jeg nedenstående beskrivelse af GeForce2-kompatibilitet i forhold til Voodoo5 5500 kompatibilitet:
"I have both a Gf2, and a v5 5500. And I will tell you drivers for the gf2 suck so much.. I thought I finialy had some good ones because Guillemot released their own version of the 6.35's for WinME. But no I boot up Rogue spear and crash, get weird screen and desk top resizing still, lets not even talk about playing Daikatana with these drivers.. The det 3's are NOT fully compatible with that game. I'm sure you will say.. "Nobody likes Daikatana anyways." Well.. I do.. and i wanna play it. I am basicly forced to get every "beta" drivers set that i see to try and make my games run. I have even started keeping the older version installers on a CD so i can go back and forth as needed. It is a HUGE pain in the ass. I wanted a voodoo5 6k SO SO bad to get rid of these stupid problems. But it never happened. Should i continue with games that have problems with the gf2? Lets just talk about games that i have..
Vampire the masqurade~ Now this isnt even a minor little glitch. This is a complete inability to see anything from time to time. More than a little irratating.
Daiblo2~ Little irratating bugs mainly.. But still.. They just patched it to 1.04 so they may have been fixed.. Dunno though..
Covert ops, Urban ops, Rogue Spear, Eagle watch,
rainbowsix~ This entire product line HATES all nVidia cards. And that is a FACT!! They have completley random errors that cannot be explained by anyone. Not to mention some people just cant play the games AT ALL. Redstorn/ubi soft them selves said this. thats 5 games in this series bringing our total to 7 at this point.
Unreal Tournament~ Everyone needed to update their miniport driver if they had an AMD to get the game to run. Not a huge issue. But it is something someone who is not a hardcore gamer would not think to do it.
The everquest series~ Ever since the direct x patch this game has been problem after problem.. The only noticable imporvement is the sound. Other than that the damn game ran better in glide. FACT.
Deus Ex~ Slow frame rate. They patched it reasonably well in single player, but it still gives horrific frame rates in mulitplayer on a GF2.
Daikatana~ I already mentioned this but i will give example in here. If you pick up a power up if any kind like speed, power, acro, etc, etc... Your entire HUD will start to flash and your frame rate will drop to about 20FPS. Fun huh? This lasts the entire duration of the powerup. So you alternative is to NOT pick them up.. Even more fun huh?
Soldier of fortune~ Lets talk about blurry textures. OMG!! Try running around in this game if you have a GF2. The sad thing is.. you may not even realize it, you might think they are suposed to look that way. Well.. their not..
I saved the creme'da la' creme (however you spell it) for last.. Here it goes..
Quake 3 arena, and quake 3 team arena~ This is something i find almost entertaining. Everytime someone reviews an nVidia card, and benchmarks it they completley ignore the fact that the textures in Q3a are so messed up.. lets not even talk about how the sky looks.. Lol.. kinda like when you were a little kid using water paints.. and the water for your brush got all cloudy with paint.. Thats how they sky looks. Q3tA, frame rate commonly drops below 20FPS. WTF is with that?!?!
Those last 2 games are the most amusing of all. Being as they are considered to be basicly made for a GeForce2. T&L monster right? Lol."
Er GeForce2 virkelig så hamrende elendigt? Eller har du ingen problemer overhovedet med GeForce2 i ovenstående spil? Vi håber, at alle interesserede vil skrive en kommentar nederst på siden! Et er i hvert fald sikkert - mine gamle Voodoo2 kort virker perfekt med alle nuværende spil på markedet og kompatibilitetsproblemer er derfor en russisk by for mange 3dfx-ejere (og 3dfx Glide-spil kører stadig helt fantastisk)... At finde ud af, at GeForce2 er totalt ringe til alt andet end Q3A, MDK2 og GIANTS efter, at man har købt det, ville jo være ganske ufedt... Derfor ville vi her på hardwaretidende blive glade, hvis især GeForce2 ejere vil skrive om deres oplevelser mht. spilkompatibilitet - specielt, hvis nogen af jer derude har haft 3dfx-kort FØR GeForce2! (husk også at skrive, hvilken systemkonfiguration du har - især mht. cpu og bundkort!)
Så det korte af det lange - har ovenstående GeForce2-ejer ret i sin kritik?? Giv os din kommentar nederst på denne side!